My name is Saska and I have been working on Cruise Ships as Youth staff in Kids Camp. I have an opportunity to Travel and see other places and Continents. I graduated from the Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation in 2004 and during my studies I was traveling all around Europe and I was always attracted by nice places and different cultures.
The reason I started this blog is to help people get perspective about how to find good places to explore, to connect on WI-FI internet and have more adventures for less money. During one contract I visit the same place more than 10 times and I always look for something new and different from Cruise ship excursion offers. Talking with guests on Cruise ships I realized that people mostly look for recommendations and they usually ask me: what should we do in a certain port or place?”. I give advice and tips to them because some places I know like my home town and the feedback I get from them is usually a question where they can find the information online. Hopefully, my travel blog called TIPS (travel-internet-places) can help potential travelers to find more adventures and spend quality time during one day at the place they visit.
I would be really grateful if my blog finds its way to your heart and help you to visit the places you have always wanted to see.
Thank you for reading,